I remember how much you loved lying in the grass and daydreaming, imagining a world full of infinite possibilities. That dreamer still lives within me, and I want you to know it's okay not to have all the answers.
If you ask me if I’m happy, the answer is a resounding yes. Every minute of my life, I live appreciating and loving everything I have. I’ve learned to value every little detail, to find magic in the everyday, and to celebrate victories, no matter how small.
If you're asking if I had the five kids we dreamed of, I’ll confess that I only went for two—but they’re worth ten! ja ja.
And yes, I know you're going to ask if we found our Prince Charming. The truth is, I realized I didn’t need to be rescued in a Disney-style way. By believing in myself, courage took over. But yes, we did find a man our children call “Dad.” I call him my life partner; we choose each other every day with love and respect. Not everything is perfect—we have our disagreements—but we make a great team..
If you’re asking about my job now, I don't want to disappoint you, but I didn’t become the president, or a fashion designer, or one of Xuxa’s “Paquitas.” However, I do run my own business and design tiny clothes. You could say you were pretty wise back then, haha!

Okay, now you're going to ask if I outgrew the shyness you always said didn't make you happy. The truth is, I took your advice on that too. Now I talk a mile a minute, and even though I still get embarrassed sometimes, I step forward anyway. I’ve learned that life is too short not to take risks, and I even clown around a bit... haha.
I want you to know our dream of changing the world with love remains intact.
And I think I’ve found an infallible formula: I believe that if people learn to love themselves enough from a young age, the love for others will naturally follow. With our creations, we invite everyone to experience childhood with love and a lot of magic.
To be honest, I don’t miss you as much as I used to... because you’ve grown so strong in my heart that I carry you with me always.
With love,Pao from the future.